
Friday 5 January 2018

Dietary Precautions and Recommendations for AIDS HIV

People are used to eating food with additives pesticides preservatives bacteria and parasites. One has to exclude these things to have a more organic and fresh diet. Routine food that includes vegetables containing vital nutrients and fiber and a menu that relatively possess less sugar, fats,and alcohol is recommended. The tips that can help someone to be able to have a more efficient food which includes vegetables and fruits as it follows.

Prefer newly harvested over frozen and preserved vegetables
Reduce the intake of fats and sugar.Keep your diet Incline towards organic as much as possible,give a detailed and thorough rubbing and wash treatment of food to remove the pesticides and chemicals used while growing the corps, prefer light steaming for the vegetables as it does not destroy the natural fiber and flavor.

Replace cooking oil with fish oil as cooking oils nowadays include preservatives and other chemicals
besides these, to give a more accurate and complete overview about the dietary and herbal treatment of HIV and Aid, we need to understand the HIV.

In the early stages of infection by HIV, the virus starts demolishing and degrading the CD-4 cells. These CD-4 cells are the basics of our immune system and provide our body the strength to fight against the diseases. As these cells count low, our body becomes susceptible to the diseases. Thus the infected person develops aids.

As the virus starts, the virus kills the CD4 cells it multiplies itself by replication. Primarily the home remedies and all the anti-viral drugs act to counter this replication. 

Severe pain in the head, muscles and body, high temperature, drastic weight loss, cough, loose motions, vomiting and mouth ulcer, are some of the initial symptoms of HIV.

Home remedies for HIV that we are going to describe here are either tested in in laboratory, or these are examined in humans and shown apparent success in increasing CD4 count and thus reducing viral load.

In Asia Neam leaves are used to overcome the viral diseases due to its anti-viral activity, skin diseases like smallpox and chicken pox neem leaves are used in the form of paste and applied to the infected areas,and it absorbs and extracts deadly virus and rapids the process of healing.

Keeping in mind the ant-viral activity of neem leaves research was conducted on HIV patients which paved the way to this outcome that one gram intake (on a daily basis) of a compound extracted from neem leaves increase the cell count to 159% within at least 12 to 15 weeks.

Black seeds derived from the plant known as Nigella sativa primarily small black thick shaped seeds which are slightly curved,these are used widely in numerous homemade remedies in South Asia and many other parts of the world. 

Black seed possesses anti-bacterial, anti-coagulant and mainly anti-viral properties which makeitbe used as a remedy against HIV, a patient diagnosed with HIV symptoms and has reached even at the last stages of HIV can use this remedy to overcome his declining health. An intake black seed mixture of 10-12 ml per day for 6 months.

 A significant improvement regarding theCD-4 count was observed during research with the help of this remedy,i.e., increase 300 to 600 cells per mm. in comparison to any antiviral drug treatment the result of this remedy can be considered substantial. Moreover, the significance of the medication is that no viral load or cd-4 count was observed in the patient after 6 months.

Selenium is a chemical element having atomic no 34 is an antioxidant and is an essential mineral of the human body. Deficiency of selenium in human body leads forward to several diseases. As it is vital and integral part of our immune system. According to a research people (having thelow CD-4 count) who took 200 μg for 8 months got their immunity power back as a depletion in their CD-4 cells was reduced up to 46%.

Green tea is another antioxidant containing abeverage. Besides being so delicious, it has multiple health benefits. Two cup of tea per day reduces fats, cholesterol level, controls hair loss, reduces sugar level in blood and reduces the chances of many diseases due to its antioxidant property.  The EGCG compound present in green tea is the focus of the study nowadays as it protects and prevents the CD-4 cells from making bondage with the HIV. 

Like avise, turmeric is a food supplement that is enriched with many benefits related to the nutrition of the human body. Turmeric is used widely in India for ages as a food additive for adding spice to the meals. But scientists have discovered these benefits now that Indians have known for so long,and one of those benefits is related to with HIV. Its anti-inflammation anti-oxidant and antibiotic properties are the points that make it so useful.  As discussed above the main idea is to stop the replication of the virus,and turmeric stops a protein (TAT) from replication, TAT degrades that protein and stops it from further damage.

Licorice is extracted from the plant name Glycyrrhiza glabra,and this plant is found very commonly in southern and central Russia, and Asia mostly in Iran. This herb used as a remedy for the problems or body disorders like digestion ulcers heartburn and oil.  But is has been examined after experiments that acid produced by these galbra plant is used for the cure of HIV. A daily dose of 1600mg of this liquid to the patient who has HIV decreases the viral antigens significantly.

All of these easy to use and adapt home remedies can prove fruitful as these are described hereafter clinical research. But still, the evidence and analysis for such painful diseases can be considered insufficient. So one should always consult some specialist before trying these home remedies as home remedies have less. Then zero side effect on human body.


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